Originally Posted by Cree
I use my ScanGauge. You can plug in correction factors, have a digital accurate speedo, and room for 3 other gauges.
Same with the Ultra-Gauge. There's a little formula you figure out using a GPS speed and the UG speed. When I upgraded my wheels that came with taller tires; my speedometer started reading right on the money so didn't need to use the digital readout.
Ultra-Gauge formula: Not mine. I copied it from another member here.
How to calibrate distance using a GPS and a calculator:
This distance calibration method is based on using GPS speed.
GPS speed is most accurate when driving in a straight line at a constant speed.
Step 1: Add a speed gauge (e.g. on page 1 zone 1 of the Ultragauge)
MENU Gauge/Page Menu .. Select Gauge/Page .. Select Gauges Select Page 1 Gauges
Use UP & DOWN keys to Navigate to MPH or KPH
Press MENU. This will cause the cursor to blink.
Pressing UP or DOWN change the number to 1
Press MENU to assign the Gauge to that Page 1 Zone 1.
Leave the menu by selecting Back, etc
The Ultragauge should now show the MPH or KPH on page 1
Step 2: Grab your calculator and your GPS navigation device, get in your car and head for the motorway.
Step 3: While driving at a constant high speed for at least a few seconds note down the speed readings of the Ultragauge and the GPS.
The readings are probably different.
Step 4: Find a convenient place to stop, switch on your calculator and do the following calculation: GPS speed reading divided by Ultragauge speed reading.
Step 5: Adjust the "Distance cal." factor in the Ultragauge
Menu - Vehicle Setup - Calibration - Calibrate Distance
Note the distance value shown by Ultragauge and on the calculator multiply this by the factor found in step 4
Press MENU and press UP or DOWN to adjust the distance value to the calculated value.
Press MENU to store the updated distance value. The Ultragauge now shows the new Distance cal. value
Leave the menu by selecting Back, etc
Switch off your calculator
Step 6: Take another drive on the motorway and check if the GPS speed reading and the Ultragauge speed reading at constant speed are now the same.
Step 7: If necessary make fine adjustments to the distance calibration value until GPS speed and Ultragauge speed are identical.