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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Nelson, BC
Posts: 2,554
Real Name: Addison
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Nelson, BC
Posts: 2,554
Real Name: Addison
Thanks for all those still following along. I do truly appreciate it!
I am not going to appologize for the delays anymore because this is ultimately a passion project (this thread is titled Front Bumper Prototype, not front bumper manufacturing thread ;) and as life has it, I just haven't had the time resources to get this over the line (yet). I am constantly making progress, it's just slow. It's not the bumper that's the hard part (not now anyway), it's the I need to start a corporation, have a bookkeeper, get insurance, find a manufacturer, have a website, have a brand, have time to create content (or pay someone to do it), etc etc etc. If all there was to do was build a bumper - this would be easy to bring to market. Some will know this song well (myself included, I am a partner in a thriving/growing marketing/production agency that we started from scratch). This has taken a while and taught me a lot, but I'm also at the point in this design where I will not abandon it.
That's the end of today's story - but my recent focus (albiet limited) has been on how I am going to sell these without the need to do a full-blown website at this time. I've got the design pretty much locked off, and I have someone to build them (in Canada), but now need a basic point of sale to at least host group buys initially. The other interesting recent point of discussion is Trump putting a 25% tarriff on all Canadian goods coming into the US (bye bye free trade agreement), which probably means I will need to find a manufacturer or partner in the US to cut/bend/package/ship these.
I've got an assembled prototype of the full bumper on my truck right now. I need to trim the wings back due to my 35's with Solo Arms (pushing my front tire 1" forward) causing the tires to hit the bumper at bump. Minor tweaks though and a couple other minor changes to make it easier/cheaper to manufacture.
I'll be back here more often with some updates. I've been putting them on IG moreso than here and will do better at duplicating those efforts.
Merry Christmas all!