Originally Posted by mrk95
We loved out 3rd gen, but the 5th gen is better.
So, link is dead, vehicles is gone, and I'm poor so it doesn't matter anyway.
Plus, it's the internet, and I don't agree with you, so I'm piping up anyway.
The "Murican Embiggenning" that hit every Yota in 2005, is the start of everything that isn't good about Toyota.
Of course, I don't like full sized trucks either. I love the "car" scale of the 3rd gens. The ability to reach the glovebox without having to undo your seatbelt, etc. Easier parking in tight spots too, as well as better width clearance for offroading.
My '05 Taco was also the worst Toyota ownership experience I ever had. Less than 100K on it. Bumpers rotted through, gas tank straps rotted through causing my driveshaft to wear a hole through the gas tank, frame had rot holes, and, it was just f*cking huuuge. If I wanted a pre-*EVEN YET STILL BIGGER F150*, I now had it. I wanted a Toyota pickup, not a flippin' land yacht.
Tack on my 2014 VW (worst vehicle EVER) with so much electronic bullsh*t added on to make more things fail, and my general hunch is that a Gen 5 is great for folks who lease for 3 years and dump before the problems start, or the folks with more money than sense, who have lots of support so when their vehicle is on the shop for yet another dead wiring harness, fried sensor, rotted plastic connector that the clips busted on and caused improper function. I like driving them, not dealing with non warranty, electronic doo dad repairs every 6 months.
Gen 3's really exemplified the end of the era when vehicles would easily go 250, 300K with only reasonable care.
Now, despite all the flashy BS, Toyota's won't go that many miles without CRAZY, stupid crap breaking, unless you just pile them on in the first 5 years.
End rant.