I've built three different long travel setups for three different 4Runners, and always wanted to share the knowledge, but have always been afraid of the legal aspect... but lots of places sell DIY or weld it yourself suspension kits and seem fine, and I'm doing far less--providing pictures and CAD of what I've done--so hopefully everyone can play nice and not hurt themselves.
The first two setups (one for a 1st gen) were very basic with some square tubing and plates and not much more. I still have mine hanging on the wall in my shop, and it held up great and was built to be extremely simple and economic. That same setup could be repeated easily, but with how common plasma tables or cutting services are, this will focus on my most recent design:
Again, this is NOT meant to be used in any regard but just a form of advice and reference to anyone else! With that said this truck drives all over, just got beaten on at KOH, and me and my buddy literally measured, designed, and built the whole front suspension in two weekends. There are many aspects that are not perfect, but for people that don't want to buy a Total Chaos or Camburg kit and like to build stuff, this is a pretty simple and quick setup you can REFERENCE.
.120 plate
Boxed LCA with 1" uniball and bushings
Boxed UCA with 1" uniball and 0.75" heims
8" coilover with stock coil bucket
Completely stock 1st gen Tundra CVs
Cycles ~14"
Pushes Hub Forward 1"
Files (Requires CAD, such as Fusion 360 (free to Hobbyists)):
3rd Gen 4Runner (and presumably 1st gen Tacoma):
Frame Scan:
Free CAD Designs, Files & 3D Models | The GrabCAD Community Library
2D Stock Dimensions:
2D Layout.SLDPRT - Google Drive
3rd gen 2D LT Dimensions:
2D Layout Extended 3.5.SLDPRT - Google Drive
LCA (plate construction) STEP:
Free CAD Designs, Files & 3D Models | The GrabCAD Community Library
LCA (tube construction):
Free CAD Designs, Files & 3D Models | The GrabCAD Community Library
UCA (Plate Construction) STEP:
UCA (tube construction, much older model) STEP:
LCA Plate SolidWorks:
UCA Plate SolidWorks:
Front Suspension Frame Scan:
Free CAD Designs, Files & 3D Models | The GrabCAD Community Library
1st Gen 4Runner:
LCA (tube construction) STEP:
UCA (tube construction) STEP:
Files Explained:
The 2D layouts are pretty confusing. They are 3D sketches with lines and points marking locations of everything and to some extent are movable once certain constraints are removed. They were mainly to give a quick way to visualize the geometry through the suspension cycle. As you can see in the top there is an angled line--that is the axis of rotation of the UCA for example. Likewise there are measurement for the LCA bushing location, the LCA geometry, the UCA geometry, the spindle, CV cycling, etc. There is a file for the stock geometry, and one for the +3.5" arms.
The step files are explanatory, they are a single step of each arms entire assembly.
The pack n go are all the solidworks files and assemblies. Fusion360 among others can open native solidworks files if you don't have access to solidworks.
The frame scan I got after designing this long travel setup, but I've included it for anyone wanting a frame scan. It has some additional axis and planes I added to represent geometry positions like the steering rack being extended or retracted, cam tab position, etc. The frame scan is a bit of a ***** to work with but as accurate as you'll get (it's also a large file). There's some more information in following posts below, use it as you see fit.
2024 Edit: The RevB mentions are for reference, all the models posted are for RevA which should still cycle fine. I would suggest tack welding the RevA arms and cycling them and then adjust the angle of the uniball as needed, that's what we originally did. The RevB model is broken so I didn't upload the files, so keep that in mind with the next few sentences. The angle difference from the old models I can find appear to be ~4.4deg flatter for the uniball plates relative to the axis of the heim bung (19.4deg on RevB vs 23.8deg on RevA):
The first note is there is a RevA and RevB of the UCA. The initial UCA we built didn't have the correct angle in the uniball as I recall so the uniball was bottoming out too soon. This was iterated on for RevB as you can see the angle change between the two and the other dimensions remain constant. I'm not sure why the side plates of the RevB arm are missing, but the upper plates appear mostly correct for the updated angle. At 14" of travel a uniball with the bolt going vertical and at 3.5" wide means the uniball maxes out in both directions so it's not physically possible to cycle more than that--thus why correcting the alignment from RevA was so critical.
This is the UCA RevA:
The uniball cup is equally spaced off both faces so a weld bead can be laid around it. Personally I have the shear lip (the side opposite the c-clip) to be on the bottom, so in the event the LCA fails and there is high loads trying to pull the spindle out of the UCA then there is the strongest portion of the uniball trying to react it.
The alignment features for the UCA didn't work great and were a ***** to weld over with MIG (as can be seen from the blobby welds in lots of pictures). The alignment features weren't a crisp cut on my plasma table, so I had to go in with a cut off wheel and square up a corners on most of them too.
The bungs for the heims are not the most elegant solution, I would prefer a square billet that is tapped but this is what we had to work with. There is a plate with a hole that the bung slides into and is welded to. The point of the heims is to allow for alignment adjustment in the event the LCA stock cam tabs run out of stroke. This has proven to be very effective.
The point of using a boxed upper was the alternative (bending tube) would be harder to get the alignment right. This did not require a jig and was still relatively precise. On my original LT I did on my personal truck, I used multiple pieces of square tubing that had angled cuts to create the UCA. That is a bit more elegant, however a beauty of this is that the UCA can have a very complex geometry to it to maximize the uniballs angle.
This is the LCA without shock mounts:
The LCA shock mounts were not added until both arms were fully built. At that point the shock and arms were installed, and the suspension and shock position mocked up and cycled. I am not sure of the actual shock size needed or how much travel was ended up being used, but you can see in the following pictures roughly where the shock was to clear the CV and pull the travel needed.
The CV is a stock Tundra CV off of a 1st gen. I brought the inner tripod CV up to the very edge--we've never had one slide out, but this is required because at full plunge there is very limited angle to work with. The more the CV is pulled out of the tripod the more angle is allowable. Having both the UCA and the LCA have adjustment also allows the CV plunge to be dialed in in the event that the inner tripod gets over extended and falls out.
Again, the alignment tabs worked but needed to be squared off for better fitment. There is some internal gusseting to the arm, but overall it is pretty simple. I welded up the interior, welded the top plate on, welded as much as I could, then welded the outer sections to box in the arm. The bushings are centered to get a weld bead on both edges, and the uniball is roughly centered too. I also added some little overlay plates at the angle junction between the bushing legs and the main triangular interior of the plate after everything was done to make sure the legs wouldn't pull off. Though as you can see the legs extend well into the triangular plate, so there is never a single plane of only weld.
What I originally did on my truck, and the exact parts carried over to this one actually: is take a stock LBJ, grind the circular indent on the top and then the ball joint itself will be able to pop out through the top. I then welded a slug into the hole where the LBJ goes, and then ran a normal bolt down through that slug (making sure the bolt head stays flush or below the top of the casting). This makes the bolt a standard off the shelf item that just runs through a standard LBJ part. Additionally I then welded a double shear plate for the heim for the steering, and drilled out the steering arm to whatever the bolt size was. This setup is extremely strong, and maintains essentially stock geometry. One thing I found is you MUST use a cotter pin on the LBJ bolt, I repeatedly had the nut come loose regardless how I tried to stake it and the cotter pin was always the saving grace (even ended up shearing through one once). Checking that bolt is #1 of the daily LT walk around check imo. Ideally the nut wont move, but be prepared if it does.
For the steering, bump steer is a big issue. This is actually very simple to correct: by spacing the tie rod/heim down, bump steer is reduced--until a point in which it comes back. In the stock position, the tires will toe in as the suspension droops which turns into a circle effect: accelerate, droop, toe in, suspension tries to come together and droop more, etc. Because of this I prefer to have the suspension cycle with a SLIGHT toe out motion as the suspension droops, then there is no chance for it to go crazy. You want your toe to be straight at ride height, but be slightly in at full droop. To do this, just use washers between the LBJ steering arm and the heim for the steering and cycle the suspension until it's at where you want. Ideally turn that washer stack into a spacer. This is the reason the double shear arm in the photo below is so much lower than the stock steering arm: the heim was sitting against the lower plate, with a large spacer above it to dial in the bump steer. This took me a VERY long time to figure out initially, and then we built this setup and within 30 minutes had the truck bump steer set where we wanted and then it drove 200 miles on the interstate. The double shear plate is CRITICAL. While a bolt in single shear will work (I drove a lot like that), I've also had the bolt snap running into things. The double shear plate fixed that instantly.
No bump steer is obviously best, but due to the spacing of the uniballs and the stock geometry being used, there is no EASY way around it besides the washer stack imo. I am laying out a new LT setup that uses a fully fabricated spindle to set everything where I want it, but at the end of the day it's the same effect: putting the steering in the right spot relative to the arms.
NOTE! with the design I have, at full droop there are steering positions where the LBJ bolts can run into the LCA. There are also no steering stops. This is probably the biggest issue with how I did it. If the arm was kinked differently or had a two part kink so the end kicked up to clear the LBJ setup that would work. Just remember that the LCA uniball angle is important since it is a driver for suspension travel since it can max out. A different spindle to uniball adapter would be another solution. This was only a problem at full droop.
Tie rod
Tricky at higher travel, we built an adapter for a heim for the rack initially but that got swapped out for a Camburg heim adapter which has been great. The tie rod is just a piece of tube with heim bungs. The tie rod needs a little trickery to get the angles all happy since you want the heims to match the uniball angle essentially. Having a horizontal bolt for the heim would fix that (like how the rack side is oriented) but is much trickier to add plus then you have no bump steer adjustment so make sure it's correct.
UCA to spindle
My original setup was two machined pucks that would clamp the spindle bore (think a revolved C shape then slice in half) and worked awesome. As long as the uniball bolt was tight then the adapter was in place. My buddy went with an aftermarket adapter like for any normal UCA. Like I say in point #3, that ended up ripping through the spindle but since the adapter he had was stainless I was able to just weld it back directly onto the spindle. If you have a lathe it's easy to make an adapter, if you can buy an adapter that's great too, but I would recommend at least gusseting that thin section around the UBJ adapter since I've seen that as the primary failure mode once everything else gets beefed up.
That will wrap it up for now. This suspension I made ~2 years ago. Always felt like someone could benefit from the work we did. Maybe these files and notes will help someone trying to build a cool truck too.