Another amazing Baja trip—6 weeks and 3700 miles.
It was a mad dash to prep, but we got the roof rack completed. Original plan was to do a two layer perimeter just like Gobi's, but we were running out of time so stuck with a single layer.
Lots of notching, welding and grinding. Rigged up a notching jig for the drill press and kept the compressor blowing air the entire time to keep things cool:
Added two surfboard racks with capped ends:
Added 6 feet to bolt down into the factory rails:
And two tabs to bolt feet into on the front:
Added 3 of these tabs for the awning to bolt on to.
Finally paint!
In between all of this, we added a second 100Ah battery, second 100w solar panel, and an inverter. All so that we could run Starlink while in video calls all day from the beach:
Awning broke the second time we used it when the wind gusted unexpectedly. 20 zip ties and 5ft of duct tape later and it was working again.
Only car issue was that one of the top nuts on the drivers rear shock worked itself off on a washboard road. Had to drive 400 miles without it before I had a chance to get a replacement nut and washer.

While I was under there I finally discovered what was making so much noise—the front end links weren't torqued down enough to the LCAs. After tightening the suspension is completely quiet and finally feels dialed.
We didn't really score great waves, but the real highlight was the epic freediving and spearfishing—we ate fish almost every day and saw beautiful sea life like spotted eagle rays.
And explored a ton of the gulf we hadn't seen before.
It was an epic trip.