Originally Posted by diverscale
Really sounds like a bad ground. Check all ground connections including the battery pole and battery ground.
It seems you are right. Although my battery terminals/posts looked clean with no corrosion, I went after them with my wire brush cleaner again. I did notite the "split" POS terminal seemed to be copper with a zinc plating that has worn off. The copper was a little green, so I worked on that a while until it was brightter. When done, I coated the surfaces with dielectric grease.
I also bought a new STARTER relay, but decided not to install it until I see what the cable-cleaning does. It seems cleaning the cables worked. have not had a no-start or window issue since (about a week or so). I have also kept a close eye on the battery voltage and it is starting fine now with the battery approaching 12 V. Before, it had to be over 12.75 V or the ECM would kick off - requiring a reset. I wish I knew what component "triggers" this cut-out as it seems overly-sensitive.
So, despite what I considered "clean" terminals, making them gleam made a difference. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the advice.