Originally Posted by GhostRing
Try rotating you tires to see if the sound changes?
There's no rubber left to rotate.
But you were on the right track.
Originally Posted by T4R2014
Wouldn't be surprised if its tires. .
I decided to take it out on a 250 mile drive today, the first serious test of all the work I've done this year-clutch, timing belt, wheel bearings. I already was planning to buy new tires but this sound had me hesitant-didn't want to drop another 600 bucks on it if something bad is about to happen.
Thought I better check the tire pressure before I went because I hadn't done that in a while, and the pressure gauge found my noise problem-all 4 of them.
The 250 miles went great and quiet, all systems are go for new tires except my bank account.