Got a 2000 4runner 5spd with the r150F transmission. I've attached the photos I took below.
I'll start off with the transfer case leak since I think it's much more manageable to fix by myself and just wanted second opinions. From what I've seen with others, often times the transfer case shifter just needs to be snugged down, and I'll go ahead and probably swap out the oil deflector gasket that it sits on while I'm at it. Just curious if a leak this big/this much oil in the photos matches up with just a like there. It also look like there could be a leaky seal that connects to the prop shaft, so may be 2 separate things.
For the transmission, it appears the front is leaking and I'm thinking I'll have to go to a shop to get it fixed. Any idea what price range that repair runs? Just checking to see if my guess that the transmission is leaking is right and hoping that I'm wrong and someone points out a simple 5-minute fix but yup, just looking for some thoughts. Anyone know of a good shop in Dallas to take this issue to?
Had trouble getting the photos in here so linked to imgur