Originally Posted by mendozer
I noticed the other day leaving from work that neither of my blinkers worked. Not the bulbs themselves but the indicators on the dash didn't come on, nor did the clicking. As if pushing the stalk on the steering column did nothing. Later in my drive i was at a red light so out of curiosity i shut the car off and restarted. then it worked. i thought hmm, weird electrical glitch.
then today leaving work the same thing happened. this time i wondered if it was warmth and not a starting issue. so i drove for a few minutes let everything get to normal temps like hot air coming out and such...blinker worked. so...something about the cold is making my steering column stalk not work right. and what's even more bizarre is it's not happening first thing in the morning when it's the coldest.
what the heck?
I have had the contacts wear out on the column stalk before. It was on a 1998. I bought an aftermarket and it wouldn't stayed locked in until the steering wheel went back. So i put the new contacts on my old column and never had an issue again. Its a possibility that those contacts are worn down. Thought it may not be. When i pulled my stalk apart you could see them very badly warn my left side went out If I remember correctly.
Do your hazards function properly? As if your hazard switch is not making good contact that too will kill the turn signals as well. Common if you had the center dash console out recently. One time I forgot to plug that switch back in changing a radio out. So I would verify that connection is good as well.
7 3rd gens listed in the build thread (2 are parts mobiles)
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Brillo's Bucket Fluid Ex changer:
Sparks Plugs Wire and Coil Information: