Originally Posted by Pyral
I'm doing the waterpump on my 3rz and I removed 2 or 3 bolts that I thought I needed to but didn't. I completely removed the bolt near the base of the dipstick tube.
I also loosened the nuts above the water pump (if we're going by shape, the one above the head and balls). I circled them in this diagram.
I didn't remove something holding a part in place inside the engine did I?
Also one of the long bolts that holds the water pump was heavily rusted because coolant went down it, how should I clean out the threads?
Originally Posted by 2TH4IST
I don't have a 3rz, but you should be fine as I suspect they are just the timing chain cover bolts. I know someone else will chime in but I'm guessing they will be 14-15 ft-lbs for torque.
As for removing rust from threads, use a thread cleaner tap. They don't cut threads like a normal tap does. Or a bore brush a bit bigger then the bolt, use with a drill, then blow out.
Since you asked about removing rust from the threads of a "bolt" and not the thread of a bolt hole, you will need a "die" not a "tap" to clean the threads, you could probably clean them with a good stiff wire brush and some elbow grease but the die will do a better job, if you use a die to do the job, turn it a full turn or two onto the threads as if you're tightening a nut and then at least a 1/2 to full reverse turn to let the rust and debris fall out of the die and threads, rinse and repeat until you get all the threads clean.