Originally Posted by earthrealm
in the engine bay, open the cover and look under, trace the fuse labelled abs/brakes or something like that, its a 40amp fuse...there is another 40amp fuse in there, you cud swap them and try depressing the brakes to observe if the motor will actuate
So, I checked the fuse, swapped it with another 40, and the motor still did not run.
I think it's fair to assume that leaking fluid got to the motor/connector and caused the motor to go out... Sooo changing just the motor is no longer an option...
At this point I think I am down to 3 choices:
1. change the accumulator o-ring + the motor.
2. change the accumulator + o-ring + the motor.
3. find a reman, or new unit, and replace the whole thing.
(if I get a $600 used one on eBay, I'm not confident that it won't have the same issues down the road).
I was unable to remove the motor with the unit still attached to the vehicle.
I was also unable to remove the master cylinder assembly from the vehicle, I know its 4 bolts underneath the steering wheel holding it to the fire wall, but I cannot reach all 4 bolts (i can only even see 3/4).
Does anyone have instructions/advise on how to remove it?
Last, does anyone have instructions/advise on removing and replacing the accumulator/o-rings? Not sure if that is the source of the leak since it seems to be coming from the bottom of the black box that says AISIN, any thoughts?