I've been doing some audio gear installation and center console cleanup recently, and put things back together last night. This morning when I pulled out to go to work, I noticed that my steering wheel tilt won't tilt. I popped the bottom dash panel off and don't see anything wrong with a quick look (I am at work, after all, and don't have lots of tools with me), but I'm curious if anyone has any ideas on what to look for when I can take the steering wheel cowl off?
That was my first thought, too. There are two wires that I put in that would pass through the general area, and neither of them are hung on anything, and move freely. They both appear to be not close enough to the tilt lever/assembly to affect anything. I was hoping someone had run into something similar and I could cut the time involved down.
That's basically what I'm talking about. The lever on the driver' side of the steering wheel column flips back and forth fine, but the wheel is now locked in it's uppermost position.