Originally Posted by dasx86
After a cold start, alternator will read ~14.3v for a few minutes, after which it will drop to ~13.6v.
It is normal for these trucks to read ~13.6v most of the time. That is NOT a sufficient voltage to keep an AGM battery happy. While I'm now aware of the GM diode, and the Texas Slim mod..... I had idea no idea about the special considerations of an AGM battery at the time, nor it's (in)appropriate applications for a 4Runner/Tacoma
My issue was so bad that the car would intermittently lose power for a brief moment in motion, throwing code P0607 - control module failure. My theory is that the AGM battery has the ability to soak up a lot of power quickly, and it was intermittently (very briefly) starving the ECU of the necessary voltage to run. Switched back to a lead acid battery and no problems since.
I meant to write up a thread about my experience, but it's been a few months and the above is the best detail I can remember. Tossing the info in this thread, maybe it'll inform someone
Cars run off the alternator, not the battery. The battery is to provide starting power and power when the engine isn't running. Cars haven't run off of the battery since generators. Way back in 1969 I started my car and then disconnected the battery. It ran fine. (Don't do this today. The battery needs to be in the circuit to prevent damage to other electrical components.)
An AGM's advantage is that it can be placed in any position, even upside down, and never needs to have water added. Other than that, it's just another wet cell battery. I use 2 in my travel trailer, which has a power supply to properly charge them. At 100% on a normal day the voltmeter reads 12.7. A regular charger will get them close to full, enough so that I wouldn't worry about missing .1V. I have used a regular charger on my 4 (2 in the trailer and 2 backup in the garage) and they top off at 12.7.
The AGMs I have used or seen are deep cycle, not starting batteries. There may be AGM starting batteries but I don't see the advantage to them. A normal wet cell, maintenance free or regular, is more than sufficient if you properly maintain it.
Battery voltage is affected by temperature, another thing to consider.