07-19-2020, 06:59 PM
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Alternator Voltage Question
I had to jumpstart my 4Runner so I drove it to O’Reilly’s and they said my battery was good and the voltage regulator failed.
I drove home, charged my battery to full, cleaned the terminals that were filthy. This morning it struggled to start but I was able to get back to O’Reilly’s. A different person told me the battery was bad. It’s over 3 years old so I put in a new one.
Then they tested the alternator again and said the voltage regulator still failed. I went home and used a multimeter and got the following numbers.
With 4Runner off 12.78V
@idle No lights 13.46V
@ 2000
rpm no lights 13.55V
@idle with lights 13.42V
@idle with headlights, radio, and AC on high 13.36V
I’m supposed to drive to MT tomorrow and I don’t really want to put in a cheap remanned Ultima alternator from O’Reilly’s. Based on those numbers the alternator seems to be working. And I don’t hear a whine.
What are your thoughts? Should it be closer to 14V?
2008 V8 LTD
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07-19-2020, 07:46 PM
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Those numbers sound good to me. 13.5 - 13.25 is perfect.
If alternator was bad, cranking the car and using voltage it would go down not up.
Your alternator holds close to 13.5, which is what a voltage regulator is supposed to due.
Battery (car off) could be higher though, over 13, just my 2 cents. If it is brand new it probably needs to charge more.
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07-20-2020, 08:29 AM
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Those numbers look normal to me also.
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07-20-2020, 11:27 AM
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Get a GM diode to replace the 7.5A Alt-S fuse. You'll gain about 1 volt. Cold start up I see anywhere around 14.8 then settles to about 14.2 - 14.4.
I've done this to my 07 & 19.
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07-21-2020, 01:37 AM
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The diode idea is interesting. Any idea why you get an extra volt?
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07-21-2020, 07:10 AM
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Is the new battery an AGM? Was the old battery an AGM? They require higher voltage to fully charge, but it shouldn't be an issue in a brand new battery. It becomes an issue after several months of not getting a full charge. A standard "Wet Cell" battery should be charging fine with 13.5v to 14.0v.
The GM diode is an alternative but takes a fuse out of the equation and in an extremely unlikely circumstance it could start a fire. There are fused options, but you have probably already left for your trip, so it won't do you much good now.
Sounds like you might have a parasitic draw or your starter might be having trouble, judging by your volt readings. You could have dirty connections at the starter. A battery voltage of 12.78 at rest for 6 hours or more should be plenty of juice to start your truck. Your lower voltage readings with all accessories on look to be in an acceptable range, but under load while moving they could be dropping lower. I have an Ultima in my 5th gen and it's been doing pretty good, but your right, you never know with remans.
Here is a video I did involving the " Dirty Parts Voltage Booster". It does the same thing the GM diode does, but has a fuse inline for circuit protection. If you have a wet cell battery, the booster might over charge it and cause problems that way. There are a few variables involved with this so more research might be needed. A quality lithium jump booster is a good thing to have as well. Hope it's something simple and your trip goes well with no troubles. Good Luck!

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07-25-2020, 09:36 AM
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Last time I checked mine it was 12.2V with car off and 14V with car running. But that was March and it was cold. I’m pretty sure the battery voltage will read higher when cold
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08-10-2023, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Mike07SE
Get a GM diode to replace the 7.5A Alt-S fuse. You'll gain about 1 volt. Cold start up I see anywhere around 14.8 then settles to about 14.2 - 14.4.
I've done this to my 07 & 19.
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Does running the GM fuse stress the alternator?
I read on another post the OEM alternators are specced to accept the higher voltage, however my alternator died within 6k miles of installing the GM fuse to properly charge my AGM battery.
Perhaps a stupid question as I was still running the 16 year original alternator @ 242k miles but it does make me wonder if it hastened the failure.
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08-10-2023, 07:05 PM
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Spec from FSM is 13.2 - 14.0V charging output so seems like you are ok there. Check AC ripple.
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08-15-2023, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by twa318
Does running the GM fuse stress the alternator?
I read on another post the OEM alternators are specced to accept the higher voltage, however my alternator died within 6k miles of installing the GM fuse to properly charge my AGM battery.
Perhaps a stupid question as I was still running the 16 year original alternator @ 242k miles but it does make me wonder if it hastened the failure.
I've been running this setup for quite a while now. I had swapped out to an AGM battery on both my trucks and they both ran and charged great. I still have the '19 and no issues to date and my wife drives it daily. The '07 I ironically had the alternator give out on me last year with about ~250K miles on it as well, and to be honest at that age and mileage I wasn't mad nor would've blamed the diode for that. Just wear & tear at that point. I can see with a voltage gauge that the voltage regulator charges these high at startup, and as the battery recharges, it settles to a 14.1-14.4 range. Right where the AGM needs to be.
SOLD 2007 4Runner Sport Edition V6 4X4 - Natural White - Perf: Doug Thorley Long Tube Headers | 4.56 Gears ARB Front / TrueTrac Rear Off Road: Fr: Bilstein 6112 w/1/2" Toytec Spacer / Rr: MT ICON Long Travel | JBA UCAs | VTX Rogue 17x8.5 -10 | GY Duratrac 285/70R17 | Rear Diff Breather Mod | 1" Toytec Body Lift | Custom Cut Axle Joints ICE: Auto Pumpkin 10.1" Android | 3.5" Tweeter Mod Exterior: Quad Bi-Xenon HID Retrofit
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08-23-2024, 05:32 PM
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Just bought a voltage booster pro "texas slim" for 03-09 4runner SR5 v6 but before installing i checked my battery volts at rest, 12.14v, then at idle, 14.56v and it kept climbing and climbing each 3 seconds 14.65v, 14.71v, 14.78v, 14.80v, .85v, .86v, .87v, 88v, 89v, .90v and it kept climbing even after idle smoothed out. Is this normal? What if it goes to 15v or higher? What part would i need to look at fixing?
I got 2 AGM batteries in parallel that need that 14.4v charge but apparently my alternator is already outputting 14.4v. Am I wrong?
Do I even need this volt booster? It has 2 switch settings with a boost of high=0.8 (1v) and low=0.4 (0.5v). Was planning on using the low setting thinking my stock alternator was only outputting 13.5 or so. At least this is commonly known about 4runners not charging AGMs properly.
Can somebody experienced chime in?
Last edited by missionman; 08-23-2024 at 05:53 PM.
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08-24-2024, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by mystereons41
Last time I checked mine it was 12.2V with car off and 14V with car running. But that was March and it was cold. I’m pretty sure the battery voltage will read higher when cold
Battery voltage will read lower when it's cold
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08-24-2024, 10:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Texas_4Runner
I had to jumpstart my 4Runner so I drove it to O’Reilly’s and they said my battery was good and the voltage regulator failed.
I drove home, charged my battery to full, cleaned the terminals that were filthy. This morning it struggled to start but I was able to get back to O’Reilly’s. A different person told me the battery was bad. It’s over 3 years old so I put in a new one.
Take the alternator to another shop and have it tested. I have owned 5 Toyotas, still have 3 of them. I have replaced 1 alternator since 1989 and that was on a '91 Camry when it was 29 years old.
Did you check the voltage of the battery when you had trouble starting? Always check the voltage before you crank. If you had filthy terminals then you have a poor connection that will manifest as a bad battery. Your voltage readings are very good. If you have trouble starting and the voltage is 12.7 then I would suspect the terminals are dirty.
3 years is not old for a battery, but you can cause problems when you don't maintain them. (My battery is from 2015, wife's is 2019). If it's not a maintenance free battery you should check the water level periodically, especially in the summer.
Corroded connections/clamps can cause a host of problems and symptoms. Always keep the terminals clean and tight.
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08-25-2024, 09:38 PM
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4Runner, AGM battery, alternator output, and code P0607
This is a bit of a tangent, but I wanted to share my personal experience with an AGM starter battery in my 4th gen 4Runner, which led to the worst type of automotive issue - intermittent electrical gremlins.
After a cold start, alternator will read ~14.3v for a few minutes, and after warmed up (if I remember right) will drop to ~13.6v. I did not realize this behavior was the status quo, and not desired for the health of an AGM battery, until after two days of painful and frustrating diagnosis.
Alternator output in the ~13v range is NOT a sufficient voltage to keep an AGM battery happy long term. I had TERRIBLE intermittent electrical gremlins about a month after switching to an AGM battery. Have you ever had the power go out in your house for a half a second? My issue was like the automotive equivalent of that - engine would briefly cut power, followed by check engine light, VSC lights, code 0607 - control module failure. The car would continue to idle along, but the pedal would yield ZERO throttle response. Then, the shift from drive into park was rough. I would shut the car off, disconnect the battery terminals, reconnect, and restart the vehicle and things would be normal again for a time.
I could find ZERO useful information about this code in our trucks online. Quite unusual for this vehicle; there's so much useful information online on this forum and elsewhere. I redid ALL my grounds: battery side, chassis ground, frame ground, engine ground. Rechecked my battery connections a half dozen times. No relief.
I only put two and two together when I was reading my voltage at the battery with the vehicle running - ~13.6v, not the ~14v range I expected, for no other reason that I ignorantly assumed ALL cars would read in the ~14v range with the alternator spinning away. Not the case. So, logic dictates: "I have electrical problems, the only thing that's changed in my truck recently is the battery, therefore I should focus my attention there." I began to search things like "AGM battery alternator voltage", and quickly became aware of AGM battery voltage considerations, and things people do to accommodate in our trucks: things like the GM diode, Texas Slim mod, etc.
I switched back to a lead acid battery and no problems since.
My AGM starter battery was not getting to a full charge from driving the 4Runner around. And somehow, this was causing P0607 intermittently. I could have compensated for it by using a battery tender to top it off from time to time (something that I'm now aware people actually do, but I have no interest in doing.) Or, I could have addressed the issue with the various diode mods.
I meant to write up a thread about my experience, but it's been a few months and the above is the best detail I can remember. Tossing the info in this thread, maybe it'll inform someone, or at least get on someone's radar who is searching "4th gen 4runner P0607"
2005 Limited V8 4x4
Last edited by dasx86; 08-28-2024 at 11:09 PM.
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08-25-2024, 11:58 PM
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Someone mentioned starter connection. Also check all grounds.
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