I’ve done a shitty job keeping track of maintenance and build stuff lately but in the past month I’ve had to replace the battery. Picked up an EverStart group 27f AGM for sub $200. Been trying to figure out why the 4lo light comes on sometimes when doing 65-70mph and passing or downshifting. 4WD system works fine and no codes come up on my ScanGauge.
Replaced the transmission filter, gasket and pan bolts. Added some Lucas transmission treatment and refilled with Maxlife ATF at 164070. Filter and magnets were pretty dirty.
Installed a center console secret compartment that I got for Christmas.
RCI t-case skid crossmember seemed to keep slipping down as there was only one bolt on each side horizontal into the frame that hold it in place. Installed some rivnuts in the bottom of the frame and enlarged the two small holes on the bottom of the crossmember then bolted it in with two extra 8mm bolts. Seems super stout now.
Rear brakes are making noise and the t-case output seal is leaking so I have parts on the way to replace those things in the next week or so.