Diagnosing this trouble code. Indicates that voltage is detected high for over 1 second coming from Bank 1 knock sensor. Sensor is absolutely buried and I unfortunately don't have the time luxury to repeatedly disassemble the intake chasing possibilities, so trying to eliminate as many root causes as I can before tearing apart the top of the engine to replace this 30 dollar part.
Sources indicate
typical fail modes are the sensor, the wiring, or an ECU fault.
Ran test leads to wire taps I inserted into the
red and green wires here just before the E5 plug at the ECU. Couldn't
recreate this signal on my oscilloscope, and testing for voltage indicated about 2 volts on the green wire.
With the engine off and the plug removed from the ECU, I measured 200 kohms across knock sensor 1 and knock sensor 2. Suggests not a frayed wire.
One of the forum threads I checked out mentioned that this issue could be caused by capacitors failing in the ECU, with some (probably one) person claiming it could be resolved with replacing the caps (which I am prepared and qualified enough to do if it came to it). I don't have any more info on this fix, so if anyone has heard or read something, I'd love to know.
I de-pinned bank 1 knock sensor, and car through a voltage high code for bank 2 knock sensor. This lends toward an ECU issue, I think.
Today I experimented with depinning all 4 knock sensor wires. None had any voltage relative to their pair or to ground (frame). I then connected one of each pair back to the ECU and I then was able to measure around 4-5 volts on bank 1 and 2-3 volts on bank 2.
But I wanted to see if the community had any input or could offer some other simple low-intrusion tests I could perform to narrow down the issue. Second, what is the process for identifying an appropriate replacement ECU and then replacing it. Any special instructions?