So my hatch popped open the other day. i closed it, then got home and it wouldn't open again, no noise or nothing. i reset the ECU-B fuse, which got it to open, but then the same again (close but not open). The main difference i noticed was that the cycle took longer.... after getting it open, i closed it, it would latch, sit for 2 seconds, and then finish the cycle - and THEN the button wouldn't work... Anyway, i figured it out and thought i would share.
after taking it out and playing with it for a while, i found it wasn't mechanical at all. i PB blastered, greased, all did nothing. it turn out to be a "sensor" issue.
In my case, since the motor was fine, i didn't think it was mechanical. i put it in the car without the door cover and watched. it dawned on me that the actuator was moving, but then sitting for like 2 seconds before finishing the cycle. The actuator didn't know where it was and therefore timed out (thus the 2 second delay - also the motor was hot because it was trying to push and couldn't). it became obvious that the motor is pushing the lock to one side, and not knowing when to stop.
this would cause the controller to freak out and disable it, thus requiring the reset to get it to open
turns out the positional sensor was gummed up. i didn't get a picture, but you can disconnect the white sensor with 2 screws.

then, you will see a part that rotates and has 2 prongs, like a fork. if you take a flat head screw driver, you can gently pop open the rotating part, essentially separating the "fork part" from the housing. i did 2 things: i took a needle and pried up the pins just a little to make sure they make contact, and i took a q-tip and cleaned out inside the sensor. it was all grimy and wet in mine, not sure how it got there, but i cleaned it out.
then i reinstalled, closed the door, lock and unlock, and it was perfect after that.
hopefully this helps someone, let me know if you have questions.