Originally Posted by thennen
I've read several articles that explain rotor warp vs brake pad material buildup on rotors. According to those, rotors rarely warp because they're typically not subjected to enough heat to distort them. I think they actually need to glow red for that to happen. More often it's uneven buildup of pad material on rotors due to improper bedding.
Rotors can warp without getting that hot if they are splashed with water -- going though a puddle. I've had that happen numerous times.
Another thing, though rare: I had a car once with the vibration from braking. Turned out to be a casting flaw in the rotor. For some reason there was a spot in the casting that was harder than the rest of the rotor, thus when the rotors wore, the hard spot did not wear as much, thus was higher than the surrounding surfaces. IT WAS NOT a pad material build up.