Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Oregon
Posts: 65
Join Date: Apr 2022
Location: Oregon
Posts: 65
Need some help on this one!!
So today was an interesting day to say the least. My son noticed I had a turn signal out, only because I've been getting on him to use them when he drives! I didn't think the LED aftermarket bulb was out, because they weren't that old. So after confirming the bulb worked on the other side, I switched the light lens to the other side and figured it was the light casing. When I put it back together, lights that worked before, no longer worked!! Than when I got my wife in the car to help out with the reverse lights and so on, both sides were out!!
I started checking fuses. Shortly after that the check engine light came on as well well as the VHC and ABS lights on the dash. When I drove the vehicle, it started ruff, shifted into gear ruff and would not respond to the gas peddle. The only speed was the natural forward motion of an automatic vehicle.
I crawled to Autozone and got a P2118 code, which refers to the Throttle body actuator control. This makes sense based off how the car was acting, but I don't believe in coincidences and think its odd that this happened while I was messing with fuses and just got done with a 12 day road trip with no issues!!
Is there a specific fuse in relation to the throttle body of the vehicle?/
Any help on this would be appreciated!