Hello community, first of all thank you for all as this forum has been SO helpful over the last 12 months as I've been sorting out my 2003 V8 4Runner. I got it with 254,000 miles, seller was 2nd owner since 2004, pretty minimal rust of the frame, and I got it really cheap so I've been trying to rescue it. In the meantime I've been driving the 4Runner to racetracks when we race and sleeping in it for the weekend, and I've really bonded with this thing!
A month ago, I started noticing an occasional hesitation in power as I was cruising on the highway. Almost like the engine power would cut or the transmission would slip momentarily for about 1 seconds, and do that every 5 minutes or so. Since then, I have continued driving it around town for daily errands, and I've now figured out to recreate the hesitation very consistently:
It won't happen when the truck is cold, I have to drive at least 15-20 minutes before it can happen. After that, every time I hit a bump, I seem to loose power for a second or less. The bump doesn't have to be big, even just a small shallow pothole will set it off.
I took a datalog using Torque OBDII tool, and it indeed looks like when I hit a bump, the ignition timing goes negative (values like -6, -8) for a couple seconds. Seems like this MUST be why I'm feeling the power drop momentarily! Does anybody have a lead as to what could be causing this? Thank you in advance for any insights!