Originally Posted by Cory619
I need to replace the Master Brake Cylinder on 2004 4Runner. I have found one at a salvage yard for $350.00 My least favorite option. I can go the refurbished route or just buy a new one which is the best route.
For those who have replaced these what route did you take? I feel I can do this myself but wanted to get some input / advice from y'all. TIA
I have not read or heard of anyone who went with a refurbished unit, other than the little electric motor part of the unit.
I just recently replaced mine, I chose to go with new, I figure if I had to do it I would do it once and done and I could afford to buy new.
Another member here
I believe did go with a used one from salvage yard that he pulled himself.
Here's a link to a topic where another member
ended up going with a new assembly earlier this year after many months trying to rebuild his, both the OP, SocalSam and I as well as at least one other member replied throughout the topic and towards the end is when I had to replace mine.
I "mentioned" 2 members from this topic, hopefully they will chime in with their advice.
The link is to the first page of a long topic but I would suggest anyone having issue with their ABS/master cylinder assembly read it in its entirety because it has a lot of good info.
Brake Gremlin