Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 64
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 64
Very strange pulsing shaking when cold.
My 05 V8 4 wheel drive has started doing something very strange. It only seems to happen on cold mornings, when it’s been in the 20s. When I back out of the drive I notice a periodic consistent drag and feel like the brakes grab an a specific pint or maybe like a plat spot on a tire. When I put it in drive it does the same thing, getting faster as I accelerate. It shakes the vehicle and gets louder but still seems to be a specific point in the revolution. It shakes so bad I feel like I should pull over. Here’s the weird part. After driving maybe 5-10 min it starts to settle down and eventually goes away. Runs fine the rest of the day (warmer temperatures). My mechanic found a stuck front brake caliber and we replaced both of the front one. This morning it was in the 20s and it did the same things. It did seem not quite as strong as previously. The U joint was checked and is find. Mechanic wants to check the rear brake calibers, but said they’re less common to seize up. Any ideas on what else could be doing this?
2005 Sport V8 4x4