Originally Posted by assassin
So Oil Pressure Sensor Switch is leaking and it leaked all over the timing belt so they want to replace that too. Apparently its all over the timing belt so they want to replace that too, but since something that was not under power train (oil pressure sensor switch) leaked over the timing belt all is out of pocket.
I'm gonna speculate that the call for the belt replacement is a miscommunication somewhere in the relay chain.
I'm sure they mean the serpentine belt. If it is oil soaked then recommending replacement is the right pro call to avoid a service come-back. As a DIY I'd just clean it with brake cleaner.
The sensor can be had for less than $20 at almost any parts store. It is easily accessible through the right wheel well, just remove a splash flap and you can see it. As others have stated it takes a 24mm deep socket and blue 242 locktite. It's a 30 minute job including the locktite cure time.
Also, despite what others are saying, sensors and switches are NOT covered under the >36k- <60k powertrain warranty. The covered items are specifically