Originally Posted by Jakeepoo3
He simply mounted it to the radiator support. I have a new radiator support laying around for my 2010 SR5 if you need measurements I can get to it real quick. I believe all the 5th Gen radiator supports are the same for the most part dimension wise. What's wrong with the OEM cooler? Never had issues with it and I go hard year round.
long, climbing grades found on the west coast and southwest combined with big ass tires, heavy armor and improper gearing, you end up with 200+ tranny temps. Sure, you can manual shift and keep the vehicle out of overdrive, but then you are driving like 40 mph on a freeway w/ a long steep grade with semi trucks trying to murder you in the slow lane....
Otherwise, if you're commute is relatively flat, then you will not run into this problem. Its a regional problem mainly is the best way to put it..
2016 trail 4runner, twin locked on 34's.
Can read more of my build here (2 parts):