Originally Posted by dipNrip
I’m sure everyone will get a good laugh on this. Local dealership here western PA quoted 5 hours at 150/hr for 750 without parts. I already bought the parts.
So if someone where to come if off the street I’m sure it be over a grand. I understand it’s a lot of labor (they maybe over estimated by a hour if any) but $150 hour is ridiculous.
I started my auto tech career (professionally) at a GMC/Buick/Suzuki dealership around 2004 and within 2-3 years the pricing went from $72/hour to a "matrix" system where only the first hour was $72 every tenth of an hour after that increased. So the second hour of labor cost the customer $84, third $96, and so on. Techs didn't get a raise, management said it was to cover the franchise costs.