Originally Posted by Getrigged
I did mine around 100'000 miles, used valvoline. my research led me to believe the transmission fluid needs a bit of the ultra-fine impurities for proper shifting, so i opted to essentially, change the filter and dilute the ATF since a lot of the fluid stay in the gearbox not the tray. A flush seemed more likely to cause issues.
Further down the road ~120'000 miles i installed a tranny fluid cooler so again drained the pan and added new after the cooler was in so again diluted it.
It’s a wive’s tale that the transmission needs wear material for proper shifting, otherwise they would not shift properly from the dealership.
In most cases where people experience transmission failure shortly after flushing the fluid, the damage was already done before the flush. Just had a friend who had this happen. 225K on a Highlander, never changed the fluid. Transmission started having issues, so he took it to a dealer for a power flush and it started stuttering at highway speed shortly afterwards. It’s done and 225K is good amount of mileage for never changing the fluid. Say hello to a $5K to $6K transmission change.