Originally Posted by Grug556
Stupid question here, but are all 1 inch tweeters same fitment? Could I say just get a basic tweeter 1 inch of crutchfield or whever and have it fit? I take I dont need wiring harness or solder for the tweeter or do I?
Thanks for the help on this. I am not very good at speakers and audio..but the ripping sound from the left front..has to go!!!
You'll want to stick with the suggested tweeters that others have used, often even then they still require a modification to make them fit.
The kicker/subaru tweeter drop in makes an amazing difference in a stock setup. I blew mine though and I think installed Focals as a replacement.
I also ran mildly upgraded speakers (power bass from eBay) on the stock head unit which made a solid difference for around $250 (all speakers replaced). These speakers aren't at the level that require a dedicated amp and worked well.