I recently have run into essentially the same issue.
Just purchased a 2016 SR5 sight unseen in an auction thinking that I could save some money on a daily driver. I sure did save on the purchase but now am paying for it with this KDSS system

I did not think SR5s had KDSS. Anyways...I plugged in engine scan tool to find the code "C1851 low pressure in KDSS system"... pressure reads 0PSI on the scan tool. removed the skid cover for the kdss valve/accumulator and found it to be rusted out completely with what looked to be crystalized hydraulic fluid... and the valve is corroded to SH!T...my guess is that this is leaking and is the culprit for low pressure.
all the lines look OK and the hydraulic rams don't seem to be leaking. However the heads on the bleeder screws of the hydraulic rams are pretty well rusted away to nothing. If I want to try to recharge the system then I would have to get a vice grip on them and hope you can turn them lose. ( and there is not much room for gripping onto these screws in the rear of the truck
Long story short for the the truck: The highway ride is not ideal and there is a 1.5 inch lean to the drivers side. both I want to fix and guessing is related to the non functional KDSS.
Right now I'm debating on...
A) purchasing an accumulator/valve and try recharging the system myself
B) Upgrade shocks and springs and just leave the KDSS system connected as is uncharged in hopes of a better ride and get rid of lean.
C) Do what Furagwa said and fabricate and install modified sway bar links and then upgrade shocks and springs all around.
I'm tight on cash right now so going to live with it for a while but I will be following this thread for ideas and will post my solution to my problem when the time comes.
If you guys have any other ideas solution please DO share.
KISS over KDSS... in the salt belt anyways....LOL cheers