Originally Posted by fkheath
Toyota wheels are not kept centered by the lug nuts; rather they are "hub centric", meaning that the wheel is centered by the hub at the very center of the wheel. The lug nuts have no centering function.
Thank you. I think I just educated myself about wheels and lug nuts. The 2023
Tacoma wheels should fit fine but I probably can't use the OEM lugs with the flat washers. I see now I can get lug nuts that have a taper or are conical and that might be the solution for me. Up here in the NY Catskills I always have 2 sets of wheels and tires, Summer and winter treads for best economy on dry roads and best traction in snow and ice. So, I still have a nice set of KMC wheels with good Blizzak tires and TPMS sensors I used on my 4Runner and all I should need is a set of 14MM X 1.5 tapered lug nuts.