Originally Posted by AuSeeker
All the so called "Maintenance Free" batteries I have ever purchased I was able to still pry the tops (usually 2 flat tops, 1 each for 3 cells) off and maintain the acid levels in each cell.
Last one was a Walmart Everstart Maxx battery purchased about 1 1/2 years ago.
Also just an FYI, Johnson Control no longer makes batteries, they sold their battery division about 6 years ago to Brookfield Business Partners in 2018 who created a new company called Clarios, so that's where Clarios came from.
I've had the same experience with the Maxx.
The manufactures are hard to keep track of anymore for sure. I think the Continental/Centennial batteries are what used to be (or currently is post bankruptcy) Exide. I just bought a Duralast Gold last a couple of months ago for my Tundra and I think it is a Clarios. the OEM TrueStart died real sudden. If I could have made it to the Toyota dealer across town, I would have bought the TrueStart, but I didn't think I could make it and the "Zone" was just a couple of blocks away.
That is the worst part about the TrueStart batteries currently. They act fine and test fine and then die without any warning. If you do some googling, you'll see all kinds of folks saying the same. I had just tested mine a couple of weeks before it decided to take a dump.