Guys on my 21 Limited the other day on Christmas eve was driving around, when I stopped after about 50 miles or so of highway driving pulled into house and activated E brake as usual. The pedal went to the floor with zero ratcheting...just woosh, I thought I was gonna put my boot through the firewall
Any how retried it several times. Gradually some ratcheting came back, I think its well in excess of the 5-7 click range. IT goes right to the floor probably easy 12 clicks plus. I tried E brake at say 5-10mph. It wouldnt stop truck at all. Light came on, red warning E brake and Yellow symbol on right side of dash cluster, looked like collision or something light, it just blinked and went off. IT came on when i pressed E brake. I drove around abit kept using E brake, it got slightly better to the point that there is some very minor braking, not enough to stop but enough you can feel slight drag. Pedal still goes to floor but with some audible clicks. This is the wifes truck, she says its been ok up to this point, but may have seen the light a few times but didnt mention it. On my 16 Limited the E brake will stop the pig solid from over 40+ mph easy..have tried it. Has the usual 7 clicks or so and full engagement is maybe 75% or so of total pedal travel, compared to the 21 which bottoms out on full travel.
So question is
What do you think the problem is as first there was no braking now there is slight braking with E brake.
Rear discs still OEM. Mileage maybe 45K or so.
Should i start at center console and check main cable first? Question on adjustment of this cable. Do you tighten it with check nut off first, E brake off? What direction do you turn adjuster in center console to tighten cable?
Is this all the adjustment I will need or do I need to pop off rear wheels and use flathead blade and adjust the star gears at bottom of each hub? I am puzzled why it suddenly failed, then sort of came back abit but still isnt working anywhere near enough to hold truck on an incline or us to stop if hydraulics failed.
Any ideas here on this one? I am sort of confused where to start here. If doing the cables first do I even need to mess with star gear or will cable adjustment work, provided the shoes arent fused, dragging or the tension springs have popped off in the drum area.
Checked as well, no sign of excessive heat anywhere in rear, no smell of burning nothing. Not sure this rules out dragging the drum pad, but thats where im at right now
Needing some advice on where to start and what to do.
Thanks guys.. Merry Christmas to