Originally Posted by sLADe781
Does power steering fluid absorb water?
I opened a bottle of power steering fluid today to top off my power steering fluid but used so little I still have 99.9% of the container left. Will it still be good 2 years from now or will it go bad after a couple months like brake fluid?
It wasn't sealed like brake fluid so I'm unsure of its longevity.
Not sure if the brand matters but it's OEM Toyota power steering fluid.
Thanks in advance.
Well if it's OEM fluid, it is actually ATF.
Will it absorb moisture - yes
Will it still be good 2 years from now - quite likely, yes, as long as it's stored in a reasonably controlled environment like a garage or in your house.
The fluid in your vehicle will absorb moisture much faster as it's constantly heat cycled, and exposed to varying temperatures and weather, humidity, etc.
I just flushed my power steering fluid with a bottle of Dexron synthetic ATF that's been sitting in my garage opened for several years and I have zero concerns about using it. It was in MUCH better condition visually than the brown coffee colored junk it replaced and my system is much quieter after the flush.