QUOTE=AZ Craig;3845171]This has been my conclusion for awhile too. I've been in a holding pattern watching GX550 inventory come in (which is pretty much non-existent in Arizona with dealerships still sitting on wait lists from what I've heard). I think it's the more compellling vehicle versus a 6th Gen 4Runner or Land Cruiser due to the power train.
I drove the Land Cruiser and did not care for the hybrid at all. Yes, it had a lot o grunt below about 40 mph due to the instant-on electric torque, but it really seemed to kind of run out of steam accelerating to freeway speeds.
Long story short; I haven't done anything yet. Been playing with the idea of getting a Jeep Wrangler or a Ford Bronco Raptor, but haven't found a "perfect" option yet either...[/QUOTE]
Im sorry to hear Lexus' are not more prevalent. My primary driver was the fact I just couldn't fall in love with the 4cylinder (Landcruiser was out for the most part, although they do have some advantages over the GX550 in other areas). I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort, and right now I'm sitting at 20 mpg (eco mode) which is a huge improvement of 14 mpg with my 4runner. I'm a little worried about Jeep...and the Bronco's up here are lining the lots. Which ever way you go...please swing back!... best of luck!
Originally Posted by trainman605
For the wife and I, me being 79 and her a couple years younger and I'm driving a new 2024 4 Runner and her a 2021 Lexus RX 350. Our yearly driving mileage is somewhere around 6-7 thousand miles per year per vehicle and we have been trading vehicles around every 5 years. I feel we are setup in two vehicles that will probably do us for a long time, or at least for our time if you know what I mean. We have what many would call, "old style vehicles", V6's with gas engines, no hybrids, or 4 cylinder engines. Now that it seems like everything has changed with Toyota and Lexus and it's pretty much in their powertrains and I will have a hard time going from old school to whatever they call this new school vehicle, I personally don't care for the hybrids and 4 cylinder engines of the new vehicles. I guess if we want a new vehicle in the future we will have to change our thinking, or just keep what we got, and that probably won't be that bad. I will say since her Lexus will be the next vehicle to be replace, she has her eye on the GX550, I do to.
I hear that...I'm 67 wondering if I made the right move and should've stuck with the bullet proof engine and drive train of 24 4runner...only time is going will tell. It's an unfortunate time in the new car market, but after owning this for over 2 weeks, in my heart of hearts I feel it was the right choice.
Thanks for chipping in!