Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2
1988 3.0L 4X4 4 runner hard/no cold start
1988 with a 3.0L has no voltage to the cold start injector (wait it has 8 volts with key on and 4 volts while cranking) and will not start cold. When I feed 12 volts to the cold start injector and make it inject fuel the engine will start and run fine. Also the transmission will not shift until it warms up. The thermo time switch, cold start injector, coolant temp sensor, plugs, cap, rotor and wires are all new. Any ideas? I have a wiring diagram and have check all the wires back to the ECU (That has been replaced also) and there are no opens or shorts in the harness. MIL is on and I get a code 22 and a code 51. The coolant temp sensor has been replaced as has the TPS. I pull the fuse to clear the codes but the light comes right back on after 3 seconds. Any ideas out there.
Last edited by txkjun; 01-26-2011 at 04:22 PM.