Originally Posted by crosso
I purchased a 2003 4Runner a couple of months ago....and I love it. However, I am having a little problem with the air conditioning. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. It will suddenly stop blowing cold air and the AC indicator will flash. According to the manual, this flashing indicates a problem in the system. If I shut it down for awhile. then hit the AUTO button again, it will often fire back up...blowing reasonably cold air. I have an extended warranty for some of the bigger parts, ie. compressor. Anyone run into this same problem?
actually i ran into this same problem yesterday with my V8 T4R2003 and as i was reading some older posting,after i pop up my hood i checked the heater and magnetic clutch relay,because if you push the auto control of the ac it will come on but a moment later the ac indicator light flashing and wont go away and it will blows hot air.first thing that i did was checked the relay as i mentioned above try to shake relays they might be sticking and after i did i start the engine and turn ac control to auto mode and everything works fine.hope this will help and if it doesnt work you may need to check your relays or replace it not that expensive cost less than $50