Do NOT take your 4x4 out alone....
i was able to secure premission from the govt agency that did the rescue.
stuck spotted
closer sign of anyone.
even closer..looks abandonded
land close for inspection...
stuck big way its getting loose
notice the "Trail End " marker they ignored the sign!!!!
yeppp it`s stuck.
her hubby tried to walk out to get help...they found him almost dead...
no water no supplies..
they spent a few hours trying to un-stuck the toyota and he went in the wrong
direction....had he gone "EAST" he would found water from Lake Mead a few hundred
yards from the stuck...
the man and his wife spent 3 days in intensive care getting re-hydrated ...
they were as close to "death" as one could be....the dog also spent 3 days in
a vets care getting back to life...
One vehicle, never go alone in our Desert....You can Die!